Terms & Conditions

These are the terms and conditions for usage of the Doctors Online service.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully to avoid confusion.


  • Acceptance
  • Terminology
  • Responsibility of our doctors for their patients
  • The importance of providing true, timely and complete information
  • Scope of services provided
  • Prescriptions written by our doctors
  • Informing your existing doctor about any treatment that is prescribed
  • Informed consent
  • Your Doctors Online account
  • Cancellations and refunds
  • Our privacy statement, GDPR and patient confidential data
  • Reserving the right to provide medical services
  • Vulnerabilities of electronic communications and post
  • Disclaimer
  • Exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts
  • Change to these terms and conditions

Cancellations Policy 1

1. Acceptance of Doctors Online Terms and Conditions
By using the Doctors Online service you are deemed to understand, consent to and agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions.

If you do not understand and agree to these terms and conditions you should not use this service.

2. Terminology
The term ‘the Doctors Online website’ means the URL www.onlinedoctorireland.ie and associated pages.

The term ‘doctor’ or ‘doctors’ means a doctor or doctors working at Doctors Online who are registered as medical practitioners with the Ireland Medical Council. The term ‘law’ shall be construed as a reference to any law (including common or customary law), statute, judgment, regulation, directive, bye law, order, ordinance or any other legislative measure of any government, supranational, local government, statutory or regulatory body or court, in each case having the force of law.

The term ‘Terms and Conditions’ comprises of paragraphs 1 to 16 and includes the Privacy Statement and the Disclaimer.

3. Responsibility of our doctors for their patients
Our doctors take exactly the same personal responsibility for each patient as they would if they were seeing a patient face to face. The online nature of this service in no way diminishes the professional obligations that our doctors owe to a patient.

Similarly, the existence of Doctors Online as the legal entity behind the Doctors Online service in no way seeks to diminish the professional obligations that our doctors owe to a patient.

The material and information available on the Doctors Online website is intended for informational purposes only, and does not constitute health or other advice nor should it replace face-to-face consultations with your own family doctor or medical specialist.

Please consult a health care professional for specific recommendations about your condition.

In addition, the information made available on the Doctors Online website changes rapidly and therefore, some of the information may be out of date.

You agree to bear all risk associated with the use of or reliance on any such information, and release and hold Doctors Online harmless from any cause of action that may arise in connection with your reliance on information contained in the Doctors Online website.

4. The importance of providing true, timely and complete information
You agree that all information that you provide to our doctors will be true and complete to the best of your knowledge and that you will not purposefully omit to provide information that could reasonably be judged to be potentially relevant to our doctors in providing the service.

You should not register or complete any forms on the Doctor’s Online website on behalf of anyone other than yourself.

5. Scope of services provided
Our doctors provide medical services including online video consultations and phone consultations for (a) general medical conditions, (b) Covid-19 consultations, and (c) prescriptions for a limited set of conditions.

Doctors Online is not a pharmacy we do not dispense or deliver any medicines. We have no commercial relationship with any pharmacy and receive no payment from any pharmacy and provide them with no services other than passing on your prescription securely to them if you request this.

6. Prescriptions written by our doctors
You agree that any medicine our doctors prescribe will be solely for your own personal use and that you will not allow any other person to take the medicine.

You agree that you will take any prescription that our doctors issue to a traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ pharmacy and that you will not seek to order your medicines from an internet pharmacy as this is currently illegal under Irish law.

You agree that before taking any medicine that our doctors have prescribed you will read all the information that the doctor has provided you with both online and in printed form, you will read the manufacturer’s Patient Information Leaflet that accompanies the medicine and you will follow any advice that the dispensing pharmacist provides you with.

If the advice that the dispensing pharmacist provides you with contradicts the advice provided by our doctors, you agree that you will contact us for further advice before taking the medicine.

You agree that if our doctors prescribe a medicine and you suffer from any noticeable side-effects, you will contact us to allow our doctors to fulfil their duty of after-care and to allow them to monitor the effectiveness of all medicines that they prescribe.

7. Informing your existing doctor about any treatment that is prescribed
You agree that if our doctors write a prescription for you and you want us to inform your existing doctor of any medicines that the doctor has prescribed, you will provide our doctors with the full and correct contact details of your existing doctor.

8. Your account on the Doctor’s Online website 
You agree that you will not share your Doctors Online username and password with anyone.

You acknowledge that you will take all reasonable steps to ensure that a third party does not gain access to your account.

You agree that you will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any device that you use to set up or access your account is suitably protected from potential hazards by firewalls, anti-virus software and other such security applications. You agree that you will not create more than one Doctors Online account. You agree that if when creating your account you provide an email address or contact telephone number, you consent for us to contact you by email and telephone if and when the need arises.

9. Cancellations and refunds
If our doctors are unable, or otherwise decline, to provide you with a service Doctors Online will provide a full refund of any payment you have already made for the service.

10. Privacy statement, GDPR and patient confidential data
Doctors Online has a legal obligation to protect all patient confidential data which is over and above what is required by GDPR.

We are not allowed to share patient confidential data with third parties, including other doctors, who are unconnected to our service without your explicit consent.

To provide this service to patients it is necessary that both our doctors and our non-medical staff have access to patient medical records and patient confidential data.

Personal details necessary to process payment with our payment providers Stripe and PayPal shall be sent to these payment providers as part of the payment process.

For the purpose of financial audit Doctors Online is required to divulge very limited patient information to our auditors and wherever possible information used for the purpose of financial audit will be anonymised.

All access to patient information is kept to the minimum required to allow the safe and effective delivery of our services.

All patient confidential data is stored electronically and encrypted in the cloud.

You have a legal right to obtain any information that we hold about you.

Please see our full privacy policy at https://www.onlinedoctorireland.ie/privacy-policy/

11. Reserving the right
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

In such cases and where payment for a service has been received, a notification message will be sent to your Doctors Online account dashboard and you will receive a full refund.

12. Vulnerabilities of electronic communications and post
The online nature of the Doctors Online service necessarily relies upon using electronic forms of communication, post, mobile, landline and SMS.

There are inherent vulnerabilities in using such forms of communication and we are therefore unable to give a guarantee that a third party unrelated to our service will not intercept communications.

13. Disclaimer
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances will Doctors Online, or Doctors Online employees, doctors or partner services providers be liable for any of the following losses or damage (whether such losses were foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of emotional well-being including, but not limited to, any embarrassment caused (b) loss of data; (c) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (d) loss of business; (e) loss of opportunity; (f) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (g) losses suffered by third parties; or (h) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the Doctors Online service regardless of the form of action.

Nothing in this clause is intended to exclude or limit Doctors Online’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or fraud.

You agree that to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Doctors Online makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, information, advice or action relied on or followed by any person using the Doctors Online service.

Doctors Online does not warrant that the Doctors Online websites or this service in general will be either available without interruption or error-free or that the website, server, hardware and software that support the Doctors Online service are free from viruses or something that may interfere with the normal operations of your systems.

Doctors Online will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the transmission of data as may occur during communications with Doctors Online.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Doctors Online disclaims any liability resulting from the provision of services by third party providers.

Liability shall rest with the appropriate third party provider and shall not under any circumstance be deemed to rest with Doctors Online.

14. Exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts
If any of these terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reasons of the laws of any state or country in which these terms and conditions are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction which that term or condition is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from the agreement and the remaining terms and conditions shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

The above terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Irish law and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.

15. Change to Terms and Conditions
Doctors Online reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes online.

You are responsible for regularly reviewing information posted online to obtain timely notice of such changes.

Your continued use of the website and the entire Doctors Online service after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions as modified by the posted changes.

Last Updated: 22nd April 2020